Motion Background Elements has put together 4 amazing high quality royalty free planet earth motion backgrounds that have various lens flairs creating a completely different look for each of the clips. Three of the planet earth video clips has lens flairs and creative elements behind it such as sky, stars, and particles that help create an environment look. The fourth motion background in this collection is unique in the fact that it has no environment around it but instead has a green layer built in behind the planet so you can key out the green layer using a basic video key tool and position the planet on any of your own videos however you wish.

It’s all about having options and while providing high quality motion backgrounds is our primary goal, providing the frame work for further creativity is also a goal, through the use of textures, source files, and other elements used in our projects.

This package includes:
– 4 HD Motion Backgrounds
– 1920X1080 Resolution
– H.264/MP4 formatting
– 30 second clips each

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